Our Region

The Smith-Barbieri Progressive Fund is a 501(c)3 charitable foundation that believes in the Inland Northwest’s quality of life and its great future potential.

Our region’s K-12 public schools, community colleges, and burgeoning university system are strong. We are home to large and small, generational and start-up companies. It’s hub, Spokane is the service center to over one million people in Eastern Washington and the Idaho Panhandle. Health care, higher education and service industries are strong and growing and the Inland Northwest boasts some of the most beautiful waterways and mountains in the world.

Our region also possesses its share of challenges. It is home to areas of dense poverty and crime. Compared to Washington State, Idaho and the U.S., the Inland Northwest falls behind in all measurable income categories and has higher unemployment rates. There is a dedicated network of non-profits overburdened by the elimination and/or reduction of services and public and private funding.

The Seattle and Boise areas are often more familiar and recognized, but the Inland Northwest is a critical economic component for both Washington & Idaho. The health of our region is unique in its economic generators, challenges and opportunities and is important to the health of the Pacific Northwest as a whole.

The Inland NorthwestID & WA Combined

Inland NW Population = 1,064,914 (7.5% increase since 2010)
WA Counties 2018 Population Change since 2010 % Inland NW
Asotin County 22,610 4.6% 2.12%
Columbia County 4,059 -0.5% 0.38%
Ferry County 7,649 1.3% 0.72%
Garfield County 2,247 -0.8% 0.21%
Lincoln County 10,740 1.6% 1.01%
Pend Oreille County 13,602 4.6% 1.28%
Spokane County 514,631 9.2% 48.33%
Stevens County 45,260 4.0% 4.25%
Walla Walla County 60,922 3.6% 5.72%
Whitman County 49,791 11.2% 4.68%
WA Counties 731,511 7.4% 68.69%
WA Total 7,535,591 12.1%
Inland NW % of WA 9.71%
ID Counties 2018 Population Change since 2010 % Inland NW
Benewah County 9,266 60.0% 87.00%
Bonner County 44,727 9.4% 4.20%
Boundary County 11,948 8.9% 1.12%
Clearwater County 8,758 0.0% 0.82%
Kootenai County 161,505 16.6% 15.17%
Latah County 40,134 7.8% 3.77%
Lewis County 3,861 1.0% 0.36%
Nez Perce County 40,408 2.9% 3.79%
Shoshone County 12,796 0.0% 1.20%
ID Counties 333,403 9.6% 31.31%
ID Total 1,754,208 11.9%
Inland NW % of ID 19.01%
https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045219 Updated 2/29/20